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Sherrina " Rina" Rice
A.A.S. ( Social Work)
B.A. (Sociology/Psychology)
ORDM (Gospel of Christ)

As a Holistic life coach, I assist my clients in making  sound decisions, setting and accomplishing realistic goals, and dealing with everyday life concerns. The fundamental belief of the wellness center is Biblically based on the principle of GOD created all things and they were good........ Genesis 1:31 and Colossians 1:16 .

There are many distraction in daily activities  which  tends to yield an imbalance of life.  Thus in this regard, understanding the mind, body and spirit  are a collective whole we strives for stability. Goals are set to balance life with the applied knowledge of how the mind, body and spirit works together in a complete state of holism. Clients use relaxation tool to regain or maintain a state holism through four relaxation techniques offered at the wellness center which are ; Arukah (Meditation), Yadh (Laying on of hand/Application of essential oil), Nuach (Sleep/Rest), and Todah (Movement/Exercise).


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